
My quest for thinness.

Tuesday, January 25, 2005

I have lost another four pounds, and the carb cravings of last week are gone. I sat at supper tonight with a plate full of bread and homemade potato chips and didn't eat either. Not even a bite. I'm a little amazed that I didn't want either of them at all.

Today I started reading Living With PCOS by Boss, Sterling and Legro. I keep seeing myself in those pages, all my symptoms and past fears and embarrassing moments. When I was about 14 a boy next to me in class wanted to know why my elbows were so dark. He thought I never washed them. I was so ashamed that they were dirty, and tried scrubbing them often after that. I didn't know this was a symptom of PCOS. So far, I've had all these symptoms, though some have gone away:
  • Acanthosis nigricans ("dirty skin")
  • Migraines (Which have almost completely disappeared)
  • Hirsutism (Unwanted hair growth)
  • Excess abdominal weight
  • Mood swings
  • Easy weight gain, even when exercising
  • Unable to loose all my excess weight even when on a starvation diet
  • irritability and aggression
  • Acne, even in adulthood

As of yet, I still have not had any blood tests to determine how severe my PCOS problems really are. I keep thinking that if I can keep loosing weight, and don't have any more symptoms than those listed above, that I will avoid any of the worst PCOS-related diseases.