
My quest for thinness.

Tuesday, January 25, 2005

I have lost another four pounds, and the carb cravings of last week are gone. I sat at supper tonight with a plate full of bread and homemade potato chips and didn't eat either. Not even a bite. I'm a little amazed that I didn't want either of them at all.

Today I started reading Living With PCOS by Boss, Sterling and Legro. I keep seeing myself in those pages, all my symptoms and past fears and embarrassing moments. When I was about 14 a boy next to me in class wanted to know why my elbows were so dark. He thought I never washed them. I was so ashamed that they were dirty, and tried scrubbing them often after that. I didn't know this was a symptom of PCOS. So far, I've had all these symptoms, though some have gone away:
  • Acanthosis nigricans ("dirty skin")
  • Migraines (Which have almost completely disappeared)
  • Hirsutism (Unwanted hair growth)
  • Excess abdominal weight
  • Mood swings
  • Easy weight gain, even when exercising
  • Unable to loose all my excess weight even when on a starvation diet
  • irritability and aggression
  • Acne, even in adulthood

As of yet, I still have not had any blood tests to determine how severe my PCOS problems really are. I keep thinking that if I can keep loosing weight, and don't have any more symptoms than those listed above, that I will avoid any of the worst PCOS-related diseases.


At 6:53 PM, Blogger JavaJ said...

Hi! I followed your blog link from soulcysters (from a post). Just wanted to leave you a note and give you a HUGE congratulations on your awesome weightloss (and also for the successful pregnancy). I know first hand how tricky it is to lose weight with PCOS, and these days how frustrating TTC'ing is!
I have experience moderate success myself - going from a size 22W to misses 14/16 but a shoulder injury in 2003 and then a knee injury in the spring have put me off course. I've regained some weight and am back at a misses 18/18W (depending on TOM).

Do you have an exercise regimen? I'm fairly limited at the moment as to what I can do, the knee injury is healed but 1 year of PT, chiro, massages, accupuncture, and tonnes of prayer and I'm still experiencing a decent amount of shoulder & neck pain.

From reading past entries it looks like you're doing something similar to the South Beach diet?

Sorry for the long post - congrats again on the weightloss!!

At 12:50 PM, Blogger MsTee2u said...

a blood test isnt going to determine anything regarding the pcos as far as I know...it may be able to measure your metabolic symptoms but there is no test to tell how much PCOS you have or dont have.

As for the symptoms of PCOS add patchy hair loss and dry hair and skin to the crop of undesireables. I hate the hair growth the worst.

I wish you luck with the disease. I am on the metformin and i was blessed with a healthy son several years ago so I am not scouring the message boards for a clue as to how I can get pregnant anymore and I only followed the link trying to find out what the female atypical whatever was on your name meant but after googling it I found nothing so I assume it only has significance to you.

Again good luck and God Bless!


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