
My quest for thinness.

Wednesday, October 13, 2004

Adkins & Pregnancy:

Recently I received a comment on this blog from someone saying she was going to stay on Adkins contrary to her doctor's opinion, because she thought I had done that. I have never been on Adkins, and have never met a doctor who would approve Adkins for a pregnant woman. The entire time I was pregnant I followed my OB and GP's advice on diet. Both stressed the need for fresh fruits and veggies for our growing, unborn little one. Both stated that if a pregnant woman does not ingest the proper nutrients for her baby, the child will begin to strip those vitamins from the woman's body. When the baby needs calcium, she needs calcium, even if she has to weaken your bones to get it. It's never a good idea to go contrary to your doctor's opinion, unless your doctor is giving advice detrimental to your unborn child or to you. Then, instead of just ignoring your GP or OB, you should seek a new one.

The diet I have followed is restrictive only in those things I listed in a previous post. I don't restrict my fresh fruit and veggie intake (except for taters) because they contain live sustaining nutrients. A primarily meat diet is not recommended for pregnant women because unborn babies need a variety of vitamins readily available in fresh fruit and veggies. I think I kept a small banana farm in business during my pregnancy. I ate about four large bananas a day, sometimes more. For nine months I ate buckets of pears, apples, broccoli, pineapple, carrots, cucumbers, tomatoes and washed it all down with gallons of grape and apple juice. I drank gallons of milk and ate over a dozen large containers of cottage cheese. I would often eat half a container of "no sugar added" ice cream at a sitting, sometimes twice a day, almost every day for over a month. Often I would mix in fresh fruit with this and top with whole milk. My hubby, along with my OB nurse were very shocked to find that I gained just the right amount of weight and lost 95% of my baby weight gain in 6 weeks time. I was no where near a vegetarian during this time. I ate meat almost every day. I tried to keep up a variety of meats, but I did eat more Hardees burgers than my husband though was humanly possible.

Remember God's advice to the very first pregnant woman? He told Eve to eat seed-bearing plants and fruit (from trees) with seeds.


At 1:04 PM, Blogger MsTee2u said...

LOL@ I think I kept a small bananna farm in business...Thats so funny! I loved banannas during my pregnancy too but I ate a lot of baked potatoes...I craved them...baked sweet potatos too! I read the pregnancy calendars and ate according to what was developing each day/week or whatever.

Im glad I found such an entertaining blog....continued good luck to you.


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