
My quest for thinness.

Monday, January 27, 2003

January 27, 2003--Today I am 199 pounds. I was up to 227 before I was diagnosed with PCOS about a month after my last post here. I was shocked to learn that my weight gain was related to a health condition I had been living with for all of my adult life and probably before. I immediately began looking around the Net for eating plans. Since then I have avoided grains and processed sugar and potatoes. Presently I am loosing about 2 pounds a week or so. That's not a big loss for most people, but I am very pleased. I now eat what I want other than the items listed above and I feel good about looking in the mirror. I no longer feel guilty about eating and since limiting processed carbs I no longer have the horrible cravings. I still want those foods, but I don't get that hungry anymore. However, when I'm in the grocery store, often I am near tears. I have problems finding sauces and seasonings without grains, starches or corn syrup or other processed sugar. My husband has begun eating what I eat, with an added cheat day per week, and he has lost 10 pounds in the last two weeks. I also mostly cut out my caffeine, which has left me with no energy. My health is a lot better, but I know, being pre-diabetic, that I am not on a diet to loose weight or improve my health just in the short term. I am in this for the long haul.


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